It truly has been paralyzing. My Israeli friend staying with us was barely unable to speak for two days. Friends and family being deployed. They all fully blame Bibi. They know this was inevitable, with the mismanaged ongoing conflict. But this time is different. She is finally back to fighting mode and thinks Bibi should (will) be forced to resign. It's going to be a wild ride.
we need to change the world. cannot live like this. i wish i was hopalong cassidy and could just shoot the bad guys and make a safe town for the folks.
We're doing it Larry. Those evil sneaks caught us off guard Nov 8, 2016. But they've been losing ever since. They aren't giving up because they're evil. But we got this! Pew pew!!!
It truly has been paralyzing. My Israeli friend staying with us was barely unable to speak for two days. Friends and family being deployed. They all fully blame Bibi. They know this was inevitable, with the mismanaged ongoing conflict. But this time is different. She is finally back to fighting mode and thinks Bibi should (will) be forced to resign. It's going to be a wild ride.
My bones hurt
My jaw, clenched :(
we need to change the world. cannot live like this. i wish i was hopalong cassidy and could just shoot the bad guys and make a safe town for the folks.
We're doing it Larry. Those evil sneaks caught us off guard Nov 8, 2016. But they've been losing ever since. They aren't giving up because they're evil. But we got this! Pew pew!!!
gotta luv ya. PAKOW!
It is ' Hara'!!!
This action was so inhumane